Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
The Power of Buy-in
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
The entire purpose of leadership is to influence people, so it is no surprise that most leaders and managers will agree that gaining the commitment and buy-in of their people is the hardest and most challenging part of leadership. Omagbitse Barrow is going to explore this important issue in this episode of the Efiko Podcast
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Mathematics is Life
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Many professionals were told when they were young, by teachers, adults, their peers and eventually themselves that they were not GOOD at mathematics, and may have decided thereafter to become math haters, only to grow up to find out that you really cannot run away from math in their adult life, work, and business. Unfortunately, this trend of math-phobia continues to haunt our children. Omagbitse Barrow explores this issue in this episode of the Efiko Podcast.
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
The Innovation Paradox
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
There are a number of paradoxes and myths about innovation that sometimes stifle our ability to be innovative. In this episode, Omagbitse Barrow examines these myths and paradoxes to help professionals and organizations overcome them and create the culture of innovation required to drive organizational success.
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
Managing Time with To-Do Lists
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
Mr U who works in the FMCG sector in Jos Nigeria just got feedback from his performance appraisal that he needs to manage time better. He reached out to the Online Efiko and we are happy to share our thoughts with him and the rest of our listeners on how to manage time better and stay on top of your game, using To-Do Lists.
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
Managing Difficult Colleagues
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
What do you do when you have a boss that is threatened by your ambition and drive, or colleagues that are envious of your skills or even subordinates who are constantly trying to undermine your leadership. These are the questions that the Efiko tries to answer in this episode in response to Ms T, a School Administrator from Abuja, Nigeria.
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
How to Gain Respect as a First Time Leader
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Mr S has just transitioned from being a #team member to being the team #leader and he is concerned that some member of his team are still regarding him as "one of the boys", rather than as the "leader of the boys". What can he do differently?
Well, he can learn to grow his influence, and the Efiko taps into his own experience from two decades ago and provides a powerful framework for helping him and other first time leaders overcome this challenge.
Friday Feb 25, 2022
Making Better Decisions
Friday Feb 25, 2022
Friday Feb 25, 2022
A Senior Manager in the TelCo industry based in Ibadan, Nigeria is not happy about the outcomes of his decisions and his decision making skills. The Online Efiko explores some paradigms in decision making and some of the cognitive biases of decision making with powerful examples from the Yoruba and Itsekiri ethnic groups in Nigeria. Listen, learn and share with others
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Wanted : Coaching Managers
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Coaching is one of the most powerful skills that managers and leaders need to drive performance. Listen to Omagbitse Barrow respond to a Manager who wants to know why she should improve her coaching skills and how.
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Inspect What You Expect
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Ms N struggles to get her team members to do deliver on their responsibilities at work.
According to her "I spend too much time and energy getting upset when things are not done and end up doing them myself. At the end of the year, these same people expect to have good appraisal scores, and make you look like you are evil if you don’t give them a good score. What can I do differently?”
Well, listen to what the Efiko suggests she can do differently to turn things around.
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
The First Time Manager
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
A first-time manager who is eager to make an impact is worried about being able to make the transition to a managerial role and meet the expectations of her multipole stakeholders. Omagbitse Barrow draws from his own experience as a first-time manager from about 18 years ago and shares his thoughts on the Leadership DNA that will help Mrs. P and others faced with a similar challenge or goal.